
How Failures, Struggles, And Hard Work Can Mean Success

Own Your Doubt & Build it Anyway with Jesse Salter on the Fill Your Frame Podcast with Jillian Goulding

What am I doing wrong?

I often get asked this question by starting photographers. Some would even compare their photos with other photographers and feel like they are failures. But, how do you really get to the level of those you look up to?

Let me tell you this, you are not doing anything wrong, you are perfect. No matter what stage you are at. And if you were to sit down with some established photographers and people that you consider successful or others whose work you admire, I promise you that behind that success, they would tell a story of hard work, struggle, failures, and learning. Each of us has our own story and path that got us to where we are at today. 

In this episode, I’ll be chatting with Jesse Salter, she is a world-renowned maternity and family photographer in the Midwest and is known for her beautiful motherhood photos that she takes inside of her boho-chic Kansas City studio. She’s a leader in our industry and mentors other photographers on their journey. And she is here today to share her story of how she got to where she is and the lessons she learned from past failures.

In this episode:

[04:52] Jesse had a different dream growing up, she dreamt to become a famous singer.

[06:22] How having a daughter led her to photography.

[10:21] Throughout her photography journey, some people helped her along the way.

[12:25] Tough love was necessary for Jesse to grow. 

[14:57] Success doesn’t happen overnight, it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get you where you want to be.

[17:21] When looking at other photographers’ images, pay attention to the details and learn from them. 

[19:25] Finding the perfect studio was the turning point for Jesse and her business.

[25:03] In choosing a studio, make sure to visit the space throughout the day to check where the lighting is best.

[28:21] The biggest lesson for Jesse was overcoming self-doubt and learning to set boundaries.

[30:55] Paying it forward through workshops and mentorships is a way for Jesse to help aspiring photographers

About Jesse Salter

Jesse Salter is a world-renowned maternity and family photographer in the Midwest and is known for the beautiful motherhood photos that she takes inside of her boho-chic Kansas City studio. She’s a leader, educator, and mentor to like-minded individuals in the industry.

Connect with Jesse





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Own Your Doubt & Build Anyway with Jesse Salter on the Fill Your Frame Podcast with Jillian Goulding

Click here to listen to 5 secrets to get kids to cooperate for photos!

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