Today’s episode is all about the importance of being an “artist before a business owner” with special guest and my friend Naomi Hopkins. Naomi is a well-known family and portrait photographer in Atlanta, Georgia. She is especially known for her fun personality, her unlimited knowledge about business, and her willingness to always help others level-up their business.
We’re talking about her top three business tips for other photogs who are feeling burnt out. Also how to stay in love with our art, and how to stay in your own lane and quit the comparison game, on social media especially.
In this episode:
[03:16] Many photographers feel burnout during the busy season and a lot of them lose their passion during these months.
[05:49] In the photography business, it’s important to go back to what made you an artist.
[08:58] Capturing the special moments and doing it from the heart are the details that make each photo unique and that keeps the monotony at bay.
[12:47] Stay in love with our art, or we will fail as a business. – Naomi
[14:32] When you base your art on what you see on social media, it becomes someone else’s version and you lose a piece of you.
[14:59] You have to find different ways to be inspired. That pulls you back to who you were as a photographer, an artist, before you had a business.
[16:53] Be excited about your session, be intentional as an artist, and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
[18:39] Owning your business means owning your decisions and not lose sight of who you are because of what you see everyone else is doing.
[19:34] Sometimes, there’s pressure in having a niche, but there are also people whose passion lies in different things, in variety.
[24:53] Creative model call vs. marketing model call.
[28:18] Forcing yourself out of the monotony is bringing out the creativity in you.
[30:14] Naomi styles her clients and incorporates movements in her photos.
[32:10] A shift in mindset is what you need when you’re afraid to fail. Let yourself have the freedom to fail because that is how you grow.
[35:30] Setting boundaries for yourself keeps you away from burnout. Setting realistic time limits will make your goals or tasks attainable.
[38:59] There are other ways to market outside of social media.
[40:00] Naomi has a different education goal each month. This helps her elevate her business, aim to raise her price, and it allows her business to thrive and not be stagnant.
[42:16] Setting business hours can also help you set expectations and boundaries with your clients and also give you time for your personal life.
[53:26] Take some time to do photography just for you, for your art, to help you feel more inspired. Set boundaries within your business and your life in general.
About Naomi Hopkins
Naomi Hopkins is a well known family and portrait photographer in Atlanta, Georgia. She’s especially known for her fun personality, her unlimited knowledge about all things business, and her willingness to always help others.
She coaches other photographers to help them grow their business and make more money. And she also hosts several workshops throughout the year to bring women together so they can better their craft and make lifelong connections with others.
Connect with Naomi
On her Website, Instagram, Facebook
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